The white gold concordat
The white gold concordat

the white gold concordat

The Concordat's terms also included the cession by the Empire of a large portion of southern Hammerfell to the Aldmeri Dominion. The Aldmeri accepted the treaty, knowing that continuation of the war would now require a significantly larger investment of time and money, and the Empire initiated the treaty knowing that, despite a temporary reversal in fortunes, the Aldmeri were in a position to eventually overwhelm the Empire - the Imperial army had suffered the loss of three entire Legions during the war (one in the retreat from the Imperial City in the previous year and two more during the Battle of the Red Ring) in addition to the surviving portion having lost over half its men. (For example, the Dragonborn, if he/she joins the Dark Brotherhood, Amaund Motierre will perform The Black Sacrament to kill Emperor Titus Mede II.) The treaty, though its terms are very unfavorable to the Empire, was initiated by Emperor Titus Mede II and agreed to by the Aldmeri Dominion due largely to the outcome of the Battle of the Red Ring in 4E 175, in which the Aldmeri army in Cyrodiil was completely destroyed by the Imperial army under Titus II. The Concordat has caused a great deal of resentment in the Nordic population of Skyrim, who feel angered at the ban of Talos worship and dishonored at the Empire's surrender.

the white gold concordat the white gold concordat the white gold concordat

Among its legislation was the outlawing of the worshiping of Talos, disbandment of the Blades and giving free reign to the Thalmor to move throughout the Empire and to hunt down any worshipers of this outlawed deity, and the persecution of the last of the Blades. The treaty was the only means to end the conflict for the Empire and heavily favors the Aldmeri Dominion, who would have otherwise fought on against the Empire. The events of this occurred after the Oblivion Crisis (the events of Oblivion) and before those of Skyrim. Although the exact cause(s) of the conflict aren't specified, the Elven Supremacist government, the Thalmor, as well as a few quotes throughout Skyrim suggest the Elves were the aggressors. The Great War was fought between the human-dominated Empire and the Aldmeri Dominion comprised primarily of Altmer of the Summerset Isles. The White-Gold Concordat was the official name given to the agreement signed that ended the Great War of the Fourth Era.

The white gold concordat